e-NABLE Program Featured in Google+ Webcast

On Friday October 11 at 8pm, IGM professor and MAGIC affiliate Jon Schull, and his e-NABLE project for distributed design and fabrication of assistive technologies, were featured in a live international webcast organized and Adafruit, makers of the Raspberry Pi microcomputer. The program, Make The World: Prosthetics is a one month program on Google+ aimed at crowdsourcing the manufacturing and delivery of the Robohand prosthetic to people in need.

Earlier this year, Schull created a participatory online map and invited hobbyists with 3D printers to volunteer to fabricate and fit prosthetics for clients worldwide. Schull subsequently created a google+ community to help coordinate the growing network of volunteers, which now comprises 130 people on 5 continents. To view or join the public map of volunteers, gohere.To request to membership in the e-NABLE google plus community, go here.