Author: Brenda Schlageter

Dr. Adrienne Decker, Associate Professor of Interactive Games & Media and a member of MAGIC becomes the next Fram Faculty fellow

Dr. Jennifer Schneider, Eugene H. Fram Chair of Applied Critical Thinking is pleased to announce that Dr. Adrienne Decker, Associate Professor, will become the Fram Faculty Fellow, beginning with the next academic year.  Dr. Decker will lead the identification and sharing of best critical thinking pedagogical practices, and facilitate scholarship that informs instruction and student […]

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Final Hour

Final Hour is a first-person, arena-based, multiplayer video game that is a unique mix of First Person Shooter, Survival, Horror, Adventure, and Role Playing Games. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world, thirty months after the outbreak of a man-made disease within the city of Barrowsville. It incorporates multiple game modes of PVP and PVE […]

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We are Building a structured, highly interactive and engaging science platform form for teenage homeschoolers. Homeschoolers do not have enough resources to buy or maintain a science laboratory and equipment. The parents need a simple, effective and immersive way that their children can learn. We are building software that will work with the existing and […]

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Lost & Found: A Series of Games teaching Medieval Religious Legal Systems

Lost & Found is a strategy card-to-mobile game system that teaches medieval religious legal systems with attention to period accuracy and cultural and historical context.  The game emphasizes the pro-social aspects of religious legal systems including collaboration and cooperation. The purpose of the Lost & Found project is to expand the discourse around religious legal […]

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