Blocky Talky
Blocky Talky is a platform that re-envisions Lego robotics and tile-based coding using open hardware and frameworks for the purpose of exposing young learners to computing in terms of complexity and networks. We’re working with Dr. Benjamin Shapiro at the Tufts University Center for Engineering Education & Outreach (CEEO) to further develop the prototypes for […]
Martha Madison: Marvelous Machines
Our work with partners Second Avenue Learning was the source of a recent article at KQED MindShift. In addition to the talented group at Second Ave., IGM Professors David Simkins, Adrienne Decker, and Christopher Egert are engaged in the current project through Department of Education and National Science Foundation SBIR awards. We’ve enjoyed wonderful collaborations with […]
Mindgamers in School
A therapeutic, physiologically-controlled videogame for use by people diagnosed with anxiety and/or autism spectrum disorder. The game goal is for the player to have their ‘best day’ in school. The game provides hard data on a player’s physical and emotional states during a therapy session that combines cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative therapy and biofeedback supported […]
Chain Gang Chase
Chain Gang Chase is a video game coming to OUYA, and Desktop (and maybe Mobile, and Web!). It started as a hobby project by Joe Pietruch, and is growing into a much larger collaborative project with RIT faculty, students, and alumni. We launched a Kickstarter Campaign on October 18 which was funded in mid-November, with […]
Splattershmup is a game that explores the intersection of the classic shoot-em-up (or “shmup”) arcade game and gesturalized abstraction or “action painting” (a term coined by critic Harold Rosenburg in 1952 and often used to describe the work of American artist Jackson Pollock). It is intended to allow the player to reflect on their in-game […]