Who can use the MAGIC Center?

The resources of the MAGIC Center are available to the entire campus community, with some caveats. While the building, and laboratory, are open to all RIT faculty and students pursuing digital media development, our affiliates, partners and projects have first priority. Specifically, we have established a policy hierarchy that students engaged in funded projects (i.e. paid via MAGIC through a project account, sponsorship, or similar means, or those projects that are a part of MAGIC Spell Studios or fall within the research agenda of affiliated faculty) have first priority. Next, students or faculty engaged in ‘start-up’ projects: i.e. those that will result in future work at a larger scale will be supported. Finally, any other use which is appropriate and which falls within RIT’s policies on computer use is supported as resources are available. Any and all use of the MAGIC Center must be in line with its general mission of the study and exploration of digital media: this includes speaker series, special events, meetings and gatherings, etc.